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抛开生涩,散发成熟:最原始纯朴的烤纹好滋好味 Let’s “meat” up over sizzling steaks @ The Grill at Cocomo!

抛开生涩,散发成熟:最原始纯朴的烤纹好滋好味 Let’s “meat” up over sizzling steaks @ The Grill at Cocomo!

[编辑 Editor 吕大人   英译 Translator 刘大人   摄影 Photographer 黄大人   资料 Sub-editor 郑大人]


这家距离柔佛士乃机场只有三分钟车程距离的 Le Grandeur, Palm Resort Johor,除了拥有上述大人所提及的原木热带风情外,更是国内外高尔夫球爱好者的度假商旅挥杆天堂。

Only minutes away from Senai International Airport, Le Grandeur Palm Resort is fast becoming one of our favourite venues for a great weekend night out with great wine and dine to match.

位于 Le Grandeur, Palm Resort 里的 The Grill at Cocomo, 由拥有逾廿年经验的 Chef Ravi 主理,与户外零距离的氛围深受海内外饕客钟爱,可容40人的宽敞场地更是常被青睐为求婚或欢庆周年纪念的浪漫之选。以原木构架的挑高格局逢傍晚时分,感受清风拂过脸颊,耳边听闻倦鸟归巢鸣声,无需特意安排的自在写意。

Beneath the typical Malay thatched-roof pavilion reaching out to the poolside, The Grill at Cocomo is ideal for speciality teas, coffees, signature cakes and pastries by day, and an engaging venue for BBQ buffets and fine dining by night. A haven for meat lovers with prime cuts seared to perfection on the charcoal grill, the restaurant also has an elaborate salad bar, an eclectic selection of condiments plus an impressive beverage list for 40 pax to enjoy.

自助沙拉料理台 Salad Bar

天然的色彩盘!这一系列的 Salad Bar (每人RM40,若点主食则可免费享用) 就围绕在香味四溢的炭炉前,数十种各式食蔬沙拉、菌菇、意面通心粉等 ,「那就有劳各位蔬蔬与菇菇先入“胃”吧!」

With charming views of the lush gardens and free form swimming pool, the Salad Bar makes for quite a first impression, bursting with fresh, healthy goodness. A welcome start, or finish, to any buffet adventure.

特调鸡尾酒 Cocktails  |  Pina Colada  |  Singapore Sling  |  Margarita  | Sexy on the Beach

(左起) 有着黄梨微甜滋味的 Pina Colada (RM28),微酸果味的 Singapore Sling (RM32),微酸的青柠口味、杯缘圈围了盐颗粒的 Margarita (RM28) 及桃子味的 Sexy on the Beach (RM28),「大人这回点选的鸡尾酒没有笑里藏刀的厚重酒味,只有宜人的舒爽。」

So many cocktails, so little time, so we just stick to the classics that will definitely satisfy any alcoholic souls. The mildly sweet Pina Colada, mildly sour Singapore Sling, refreshing Margarita and enticing Sexy on the Beach are made with love and liquor that are out to impress, and by that we mean strictly no overly coloured cocktails where we practically can’t taste the liquor and just drinking artificially flavoured syrup. There’s definitely a delicious cocktail for every taste!

户外烧烤料理 Live Grill Station


The weather may be turning warm these days, but there’s no reason to shy away from the meat to turn up the heat, fire up the grill and gather up for a hearty meal of grilled delights, where we will find slabs of properly cuts of beef, lamb, chicken and seafood that are barbecued over a wood fire grill, thus lending the meats a robust smoky flavour.

羊排 Lamb Rack

众所周知,羊肉乃是极难烹制的肉食之一,温度的掌控主成败。The Grill at Cocomo 的版本微焦咸香而毫无羊羶味,这以 French Cut 处理法呈现的羊排 Lamb Rack,一口啃下 ,「看得到的香脆皮衣,吃得到的肥嫩肉质,脆皮嫩肉油香在嘴里爆出100分的满足感!」

Mindful of the gamey flavour often associated with lamb, we knew some of our friends would be sceptical about this dish. French cut and trimmed of all but a thin layer of fat, the Lamb Rack was really juicy and tender, being cooked with a layer of fat and let rest to preserve its moistness and flavours (minus the gaminess of course).

食验味星 Rating ★★★★☆

澳洲优质冷鲜牛里脊 Australian Chilled Tenderloin

人气精选澳洲优质冷鲜牛里脊 Australian Chilled Tenderloin (RM124/200gm, RM134/300gm),无疑是众饕客的至爱首选。这份重约200克的三分熟料理,只施予少许的调料,让舌尖更能完整深入探索肉质的原始微甜风味。「炭火烤炙的三分熟成度恰好,嫩得俐落无杂质。」烤食蔬的美味参与,与摆盘姿态一样,锦上添花。*当然看官们亦可随平日喜好选择熟成度。

The Australian Chilled Tenderloin (200gm) was undoubtedly the taste winner of the night, and the dish to order when you come to The Grill at Cocomo. Prepared using simple salt seasoning and grilled in the outdoor BBQ grill, we have specifically requested for our beef to be done medium rare and the slightly charred ‘burnt ends’ of the beef had a more smoky taste which we liked. Though this 30% doneness may not be everyone’s cup of steak, nonetheless, a beautiful piece of meat and we enjoyed every bite of it.

食验味星 Rating ★★★★☆

澳洲冷鲜牛肋眼 Australian Chilled Rib-Eye  |  烧烤鸡肉串 Grilled Chicken Skewers

与牛里脊口感不同,油花分布均匀的澳洲冷鲜牛肋眼 Australian Chilled Rib-Eye (RM100/200gm, RM118/300gm),以炭火烤炙的皮衣离不开微焦咸香的好滋味,肉质因有油脂而显香嫩有嚼劲。

烧烤鸡肉串 Grilled Chicken Skewers (RM64) 里更让大人惊艳的一旁的香饭,口感似糯米,味道好清香!

Although technically not the most premium grade, the Australian Chilled Rib-Eye was immensely flavourful, more tender and almost melts in our mouth due to the fats within the prime meat.

On the other hand, the teriyaki-marinated Grilled Chicken Skewers was grilled to perfection such that the chicken skin retained its crispiness, while the meat was equally tender and succulent.

食验味星 Rating ★★★★


While we were initially skeptical of the idea of having so many dips, we have to admit that their selection of Black Pepper, Herbs & Butter, Cream Mushroom, Onion Spicy and Red Wine Shallot really paired very well with the flavours and we then couldn’t imagine having the dishes without them.

烤三文鱼 Grilled Salmon Steak  |  烤大明虾 Grilled King Prawn

「被这三文鱼外脆内嫩的口感俘虏了。」比手掌还厚的烤三文鱼 Grilled Salmon Steak (RM84) 好实在,鱼类或许并不晓得,它们只有七秒的记忆,带给人类的美好滋味却很难忘呢。

烤大明虾 Grilled King Prawn (RM100) 与薯泥、烤食蔬与烤洋葱携手演出,太有默契。「尤其是当烤洋葱搭上新鲜无比的大明虾,戏中有戏,太让人回味。」

The Grilled Salmon Steak was surprisingly good, even though it might be considered overcooked for some people, The sides were a bit charred but the meat still retained its juices and did not flake easily.

Last but not least, the Grilled King Prawn served here were large in size, crunchy and succulent upon bite. Overall, we found the quality of meat and freshness of their prawns excellent, coupled with the expert culinary skills of the chefs led by Chef Ravi.

食验味星 Rating ★★★★☆

Le Grandeur, Palm Resort 渡假村内共有六家风格各异的主题餐厅,下一回下榻或光临此处,再也无需为觅食而愁,松心休憩才是唯一任务。

Having transformed conviviality and comfort into a form of enjoyment, Le Grandeur, Palm Resort provides the perfect setting for relaxing and socializing along with refined cuisine and the latest fusion dishes from across the world, so feel free to “jio” all the meat lovers in your life and “meat” us up here anytime soon, or check out some of the other fabulous options too…

• The Ishwara Brasserie and Terrace
• Sobasei Japanese Restaurant
• The Bar
• The Grill at Cocomo
• Xin-Shan Long Chinese Restaurant
• Turquoise Poolside Bar

Le Grandeur, Palm Resort Johor

Address: Jalan Persiaran Golf, Off Jalan Jumbo, 81250 Senai Johor, Malaysia.
Contact: +607 – 599 6000 (Ext: 8522/8607)
Time: 12pm-6pm (Lunch); 6pm-10pm (Dinner)

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