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《欢庆开斋》无限饱尝本土美食与果王之完整攻略 A Jenuine Taste of Malaysia @ Hotel Jen Puteri Harbour

《欢庆开斋》无限饱尝本土美食与果王之完整攻略 A Jenuine Taste of Malaysia @ Hotel Jen Puteri Harbour

[编辑 Editor 吕大人   英译 Translator 刘大人   摄影 Photographer 黄大人]

全球的穆斯林每年回历九月份皆会展开为期30天的斋戒月(Ramadhan),在这期间所有穆斯林在日出之后直到日落前都需禁食。今年的斋戒月落在6月6日,恰好碰上大马榴莲季节!想要在日落后无限饱尝大马各地风味美食及果王的醇厚滋味,那看官们就不能错过今年由Hotel Jen Puteri Harbour所精心推出,以A Taste of Malaysia为美食主题的斋戒月自助餐。大人在此非常感激Hotel Jen Puteri Harbour的盛情邀约与款待 😀

Thanks to a personal invitation by Jen, our friend from Puteri Harbour, to join her family and friends in celebrating this special month of Ramadhan, here we are in Harbour Cafe for an authentic Malaysian food affair with a twist of international and seafood buffet, featuring a Jenerous spread of over 130 delicacies, AND a special local’s favourite corner…


位于酒店内的Harbour Cafe 正是大人此次品尝斋戒月美食的目的地,平日素以丰富多姿的各国自助料理而闻名的Harbour Cafe,不止开胃前菜、主食诱人,其甜品更是享誉美食圈。此次 A Taste of Malaysia 自助餐点的菜式由酒店名厨 Chef Hamizi Abd Hamid (Chef Mizi) 领衔其团队使出浑身解数,势必让国内外老饕惊艳!

We were introduced to her friend, and the man behind the extensive daily spread, Chef Mizi, who impressed us not only with his friendliness and humility, but also wow us with personal creation inspired by many of his old family’s recipes. The question is not how much we can eat, but rather, which station to begin LOL!


Chef Mizi这一次慷慨地祭出了许多自家祖传的珍贵食谱如,Rusuk Kambing Bakar Masak Kismis  Sup Gearbox, 此外还有七道大马著名道地料理如,Daging Salai Masak Lemak Belimbing BuluhUdang Masak Kicap Cili Api等。大人的五脏庙已经警告大人不能再多说啦,大伙儿请看照片解馋吧!

Just when we were deliberating how to go about this, Chez Mizi led us to luxurious salad station, offering assorted Ulam and Acar with assorted Sambals and Rojak Buah. Besides the Malay salads, there is also your ever reliable Salad Bar, French Baked Pastries and Roti Jala with curry, seemingly preparing us for more of the traditional favourites such as Daging Salai Masak Lemak Belimbing Buluh, Udang Masak Kicap Cili Api ahead.



More appetisers just to whet your appetite, we couldn’t resist the opportunity just to keep us entertained and keep you asking for more haha…


除了香料滋味满满的传统马来美食外,Harbour Cafe的日本餐部也很受食客们青睐呢!寿司 (Sushi)、日本毛豆 (Edamame)、综合天妇罗 (Tempura Moriawase)、炸卷 (Maki Rolls)及刺身 (Sashimi),全都来一份吧!

Tha Japanese Station has always been our perennial favourite, as it’s filled with oishii Sushi, Edamame, Tempura Moriawase, Maki Rolls and Shashimi galore, while the neighbouring Luk Luk station is also filled with many raw or semi-cooked selection like seafood, meat and vegetables on skewers. Two large plates please.


想不到在这里还能品尝到大马的街头美食 - 碌碌!大人真的不客气啦,要吃几串就几串!大人感觉今年的自助餐食物种类比以往更加丰富,顿时有点不知所措,生猛海鲜与街头小食同时向大人招手,该如何是好?!

The oceanic experience of the sea treasures also sees an overwhelming variety of seafood includes mussels, tiger and freshwater prawns, squid, crabs and etc., and can be cooked in a myriad of ways –baked, grilled, poached and more, living up to its name as a Jenuine  Seafood Fiesta and leaving us completely spoilt for choice!




Oh, how could we forget Jen’s famous Carving Stations, a favourite reason for many to stop by Harbour Cafe? When you come face to face with their Prime Ribs roasted with Thyme Crust, Barbequed Beef Brisket with Citrus Barbeque Sauce, or local fusion with Ayam Golek roasted with Percik sauce and Baked Salmon Fillets with marinated Asian spices, we find it hard to succumb to these temptations too!


A Taste of Malaysia 又怎能少了沙爹的滋味呢?除了传统马来美食,这里也能享用多道本地多元民族的面类美食如槟城娘惹辣沙、马来卤面、土生华人咖喱面、云吞鱼丸面和柔佛州的独有美食 - 柔佛辣沙!

A Taste of Malaysia is incomplete without the nation’s favourite Satay, with the hot buffet station also offering luscious popular Malay, Chinese and Indian dishes such as Penang Nyonya Laksa, Mee Rebus, Peranakan Mee Curry, Fish Ball Soup with Wanton Mee alongside delicious dumplings, and not forgetting the famous Johor local’s favourite – Laksa Johor, a unique dish combining the traditional laksa gravy with spaghetti.


全场焦点应该就是这强人筋骨,治人虚劳的羊肉大骨汤 Sup Gearbox!只见厨师在旁不停翻搅着,大人闪避不及当然也乖乖当了裙下臣~ 大骨边的肉质软嫩无比,毫无腥膻味,汤浓味美,微辛口感略似滋补药膳。滋味甚好但切记需适可而止,因为羊肉本是温补的热性食物,过度食用将导致身体燥热。

Our Arabic adventure continues with Jen’s Lamb Ouzi station carved life with Arabic Saffron Biryani Rice, Fried Boiled Eggs, Arabic Lavash Bread with condiments of Olive, Tomato Dukkus Sauce and Fatush Side Salad. But wait, what’s cooking in this aromatic gigantic hot pot that has everyone queuing patiently? No prize for guessing, you either love it or loathe the Sup Gearbox or Mutton Soup with spare parts. The ultimate treat, really, was in savouring the bone marrow. (PS: Spouse and doctor’s consent advised)


Hotel Jen 的甜点小食向来赞誉不断,这一回其甜点部的Chef Zuwairi Shuaib (Chef Zu) 又有巨作登场,是什么啊?请看下图就知道了!炸榴莲啊,真的太好吃了,刚喝了羊肉汤的大人,又再表演吞噬炸榴莲(是想流鼻血吗?)!除了炸榴莲,别忘了品尝Chef Zu的D24榴莲芝士蛋糕、炸香蕉及一系列诱人的东西方糕点~

Meet Chef Zu, another close friend of Jen famed with his exquisite sweet creations and assorted Malay Kuih, French Pastries and fresh fruits, while serving our favourite Teh Tarik and Syrup Bandung at the drink station. OMG, there’s even the old-fashioned Kuih Ketayap and life-prepared Pisang Goreng with sauces of chocolate, strawberry and cheese. No meal is complete without a sweet ending, where our durian cravings were satisfied to the max with D24 Cheesecake and Durian Goreng besides other delectable line up of desserts.


若是炸榴莲让你意犹未尽,别担心!Hotel Jen这回连各大旅店的绝缘体 – 榴莲都带进来了!真是让老饕们惊喜万分啊!斋戒月期间的自助餐将有来自柔佛东甲的果王伴你左右,每晚80公斤的D13, 这下可好了!大人已经失去理智,每样都想尝啊~

By now we have arrived at our final pit-stop and seventh heaven of delight, and it’s not difficult to understand why. Hey durian lovers, don’t say bo-jio. Our friends from Harbour Cafe are not only lavish with their Durian Cheesecake and Fried Durian, but also provide unlimited fresh D13 durian tasting from Tangkak daily, 80kg to be exact WOW.


Hotel Jen Puteri Harbour的绝招还不止于此! 若食客们将与家人朋友一起在Harbour Cafe品尝D13榴莲的照片上传至Facebook 或 Instagram,并标注 ‪#‎hoteljenputeriharbour‬ ‪#‎staywithjen‬ ‪#‎durianmakesmestay‬,就有机会赢取2天1夜的免费酒店住宿(含双人份自助早餐)!此项游戏将在7月4日结束,Hotel Jen将於同日公布得奖者(1位)!看官们千万别错过!

And that’s not all. Jen is offering a chance for all durian lovers to eat all you can, and one lucky winner gets to enjoy a complimentary 2D/1N stay with her, here’s How:
1. Take a photo of you, families or friends enjoying Durian Buffet at A Taste of Malaysia
2. Post it on your Facebook and Instagram
3. Hashtag ‪#‎hoteljenputeriharbour‬ ‪#‎staywithjen‬ ‪#‎durianmakesmestay‬
4. Winner will be announced on July 4, 2016


Hotel Jen Puteri Harbour – A Taste of Malaysia 斋戒月自助餐将从6月6日起至7月5日,成人每位收费RM126 nett, 儿童(5-12岁)每位收费RM63 nett。若50人以上的私人订餐配套,收费则为每人RM120起,详情请电洽酒店或电邮询问。

For a tinge of festivity, enjoy Jen’s “Open House” – A Taste of Malaysia at Harbour Cafe with only RM126 nett per adult and RM63 nett per child aged 5-12 years old. For an exclusive backdrop for private event with a minimum of 50 persons, price starts from RM120 per person. Remember to say HI to Jen when you are around, there’s no limit to what she has up her sleeves with her Jenuine personal touch.

Thanks Jen! Nice catching up, see you again soon! And here’s wishing all our Muslim friends, Salam Ramadan and Selamat Berpuasa, may this holy month be filled with love, harmony and joy for you and your loved ones.


Hotel Jen Puteri Harbour, Johor

Harbour Cafe, Level 1

Date: 6th June’16 – 5th July’16
Dinner Time: 6.30pm – 10pm
Price: RM126 Nett (Adult), RM63 Nett (Child)
Reservation: +607 – 560 8900


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