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挡不住的诱惑之食,居高临下饱尝海底时鲜 Weekend sumptuous seafood spread to satisfy @ Fern Pine

挡不住的诱惑之食,居高临下饱尝海底时鲜 Weekend sumptuous seafood spread to satisfy @ Fern Pine

[编辑 Editor 吕大人   英译 Translator 刘大人   摄影 Photographer 黄大人]


能在忙碌奔波了一周后好好与挚爱选个绝佳位置,边欣赏新山市景,边无止尽享用鲜美无比的海鲜与各式佳肴,边抛开恼人的工作,简直就是完美的周末夜!「但~ 想要欣赏新山市景,没有一定的楼层高度怎能办到啊?」 看官们就别再怀疑大人了,快按钮等电梯门一打开就有答案啦~

Buffets are probably the best value option out there, for not just having a wide array of dishes laid before our eyes and then knowing we get to taste them all, but also the long leisurely conversation with friends. The only downside, more often than not, the price can be pretty hefty. But what do you say if we could also include all-you-can-eat ocean fresh crustacean spread well within RM 100 per head with some loose change to spare?

Sounds good? Let’s get started!

与一般酒店将自助餐设于底层的格局不同,Fern Pine Cafe 位处新山世纪花园 Holiday Villa 的九楼,大型落地窗将户外满眼的新山市区景观尽收眼底。以大理石与木质冷暖交织的大器室内设计,无间隔的视野,自然光线延伸洒落一地,日日与浑然天成得户外景致相伴,心宽得就如此处既显开阔而明亮,让人顿时食欲大增。

With a spacious and welcoming ambience unlike our usual breakfast and buffets at the hotel lobby, Fern Pine Cafe at the 9th floor of Holiday Villa Johor Bahru City Centre boasts stunning ceiling to floor windows which emphasise the magnificent height of the dining space as well as providing us with an indulgent area to enjoy our meals. The interior of the restaurant is designed using natural, textured materials including stone, wood and glass, giving off a very natural cosmopolitan feel with ample seating and for exploration.

海鲜区 Seafood on the ice

逢周五及周六夜晚,这儿的海鲜自助餐皆能满足饕客们对海产的挑剔味蕾与思念之情,尤以无限量供应、清爽舒心的冰镇新鲜螃蟹、生蚝、青蚝与大虾最受人眷顾。常言道,酱料乃美食之魂,「Fern Pine 的杀手锏即是一般酒店里难寻的本地蒜米搭辣椒酱,每一口堪称经典之作。今日的大虾也太新鲜了吧,大人完全停不了口!」完美无暇的酱料让大人不自觉连下几城,现在肚子里头简直就像是一座小型水族馆啊~

Come every Fridays and Saturdays, the buffet hits the spot with a prime seafood spread right smack in the middle of the bustling all-day dining restaurant with an island bar filled with king crab legs, freshly shucked oysters, mussels, prawns and not forgetting the usual sashimi suspects. The variety is not exactly huge like some of the other buffets, but the quality is of a high standard, judging from the number of repeated visits even before we check out the rest of their offerings…

食验味星 (一般为五星满级,偶尔会爆表) / Rating ★★★★★

开胃小菜 Appetisers

除了丰盛的虾兵蟹将外,Fern Pine 在海鲜区旁也特设了一系列开胃小菜,让饕客们醒醒胃,「大人觉得这儿的干酪滋味也很不错呢!」只不过目光始终离不开一旁的海鲜 😆  (斜视中~):

The appetisers right beside the seafood bar were well curated and presented, a near mind-boggling variety of items that we won’t want to miss, with a little something for everyone:

  • Assorted Jeruk, Rojak Buah
  • Beef Salami
  • Sliced Turkey
  • Sushi & Sashimi
  • Assorted Tapas
  • Kerabu Betik
  • Seafood Kerabu
  • Jelatah Harian Belacan
  • Salad of the Day
  • 食验味星 (一般为五星满级,偶尔会爆表) / Rating ★★★★

主食区 Mains and cooked section


The open kitchen set the buffet stage for a fascinating display of culinary skills, with a mix of international and Southeast Asian dishes that chefs prepare with care that is enjoyed by both locals and tourists alike, with some of these being our favourites for the evening:

  • Stir Fried Fish Pasta Roll with Assorted Mushroom
  • Prawn with Marmite Sauce
  • Fried Crab with Chilli Sauce
  • Grilled Sabah with Teriyaki Sauce
  • Deep Fried Squid with Curry Leaf
  • Seafood Pot Pie
  • Asam fish Head
  • Chicken Curry with Potatoes
  • Strip loin Beef
  • Baked Scallop with Sauce
  • Braised Broccoli with Abalone Mushroom with Sea Asparagus.


But wait, there’s more than meets our eyes as our attention were turned to a bustling of activities happening outside…

食验味星 (一般为五星满级,偶尔会爆表) / Rating ★★★★

户外现场烹饪 + 烧烤区 Outdoor live cooking & BBQ station


When we’ve had enough, it’s time to move on to the main sections and cooked counterparts. The made-to-order Ikan Bakar is incredibly mouthwatering and aromatic, with the live station serves up tantalising oysters omelette, char kway meow and more BBQ seafood. Along with it is also the crustacean corner live station which similarly lets us choose between mussels, soft-shell clams, prawns or squids, to be cooked in the sauce of our choice. Be sure to return and pick up your order in about 15 minutes time, or it may jolly well end up on someone else’s table LOL!

食验味星 (一般为五星满级,偶尔会爆表) / Rating ★★★★★

甜品区 Pastries & desserts

肚里藏了座水族馆的大人,究竟还吃得下这些甜食吗?「当然没问题,因为这儿的甜食并不会过于甜腻啊!大人刚还瞧见了桌上有 Hershey’s 的巧克力酱,当然得立马泡制一碗ABC!

Save space for desserts, where the buffet featured an eye-catching corner that will satisfy our sugary needs. There may be no seafood in there, but the French pastries and the bottomless ice-kacang with Hershey’s sauce are a real treat!

食验味星 (一般为五星满级,偶尔会爆表) / Rating ★★★

Fern Pine Cafe 的海鲜自助餐逢周五、六於晚餐时段 (6.30pm-10.30pm) 推出,成人每位RM98 (nett),四至十二岁的儿童每位 RM49 (nett),六十岁以上的乐龄人士可享20%折扣,价钱已含消费税。

除了海鲜自助餐,餐厅平日最受欢迎的美食当属海南鸡饭,正宗滋味深受许多饕客钟爱,据闻就连皇室也慕名前来呢!可容纳260人的 Fern Pine Cafe 也提供以下餐点:

  • 早餐: 6.30am-8.30am
  • 中午自助餐:星期一至五,12.00pm-2.30pm,成人每位RM60 (nett),四至十二岁的儿童每位 RM30 (nett)
  • 周末下午茶:星期六至日,12.00pm-4.00pm,成人每位RM60 (nett),四至十二岁的儿童每位 RM30 (nett)

欲想询问或订位,请洽:+607 290 3399 或电邮至

The extremely extensive spread of high quality dishes was enough to justify the price tag (RM98 nett for adults, RM49 nett for children between age 4-12, senior citizens above age 60 enjoy 20% off). Besides the regular weekend buffet, Fern Pine Cafe also serves daily breakfast from 6.30am to 8.30am, buffet lunch on weekdays from 12.00pm to 2.30pm (RM60 nett for adults, RM 30 nett for children between age 4-12) and weekend afternoon tea from 12.00pm to 4.00pm (RM60 nett for adults, RM 30 nett for children between age 4-12).

The lunch buffet, with its signature Hainanese Chicken Rice, is a great hit (even among the royalties) and we typically see the restaurant full on weekdays lunch period. You might just get full from trying a little of everything, so be strategic and narrow it down to the ones you love.

Fern Pine Cafe may not have the most extensive buffet spread, but its emphasis on freshness and quality certainly makes it a worthwhile visit. The fresh seafood spread is nevertheless impressive during their weekend seafood themed night, and something to consider when choosing a date to dine.

Fern Pine Cafe @ Holiday Villa Johor Bahru

Address: Level 9, No. 260, Jalan Dato’ Sulaiman, Taman Abad, 80250 Johor Bahru, Johor. Malaysia.
Contact: +607 – 290 3388
Time: All Day Dining, 24 hours

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All content and ratings are based on MAGistrate’s collective opinions and experiences, which we hope will be informative and interesting for readers and perhaps, lead you to form your own opinions and preferences. While we make every effort to ensure that our information is current and correct, some items and prices may change without our knowledge.
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